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There are two types of variables: read-only and editable. The value of read-only variables cannot be changed manually, while they can be changed in editable variables.

Editable Variables

There are currently 3 types of editable variables: integers (i), floats (f), and booleans (b). 10 of each variable are currently accessible. The names of variables cannot be changed, only their values.

  • Integers are named i0, i1, ... i9.
    • Can take any integer value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • Floats are named f0, f1, ... f9.
  • Booleans are named b0, b1, ... b9.
    • Either true or false.

The variable buttonPressCount acts like an integer (and can be modified accordingly), but is additionally incremented whenever the player presses.

Read-only variables

These are special variables that provide some information about the current level or state of the game. The value of these variables cannot be modified, they can only be read.

Variable NameDefinition
bpmThe currently set bpm
barNumberThe current bar number
numEarlyHitsThe current number of early hits
numLateHitsThe current number of late hits
numPerfectHitsThe current number of perfect hits
numMissesThe current number of misses (without mistake weighting)
numMistakesThe current number of mistakes (with mistake weighting)
XPress (X is a key)true immediately when X is pressed, false otherwise
XReleasetrue immediately when X is released, false otherwise
XIsPressedtrue while X is being held down, false otherwise

List of allowed keys: p1, p2, anyPlayer, up, down, left, right.

Using variables

Variables can be used in 3 locations:

  • Call Custom Method, in an expression
  • Floating Text/Dialogue/Status Sign
  • Conditionals

Call Custom Method

Variables can be read or modified in the Custom Method Name field. This can be combined with tags and conditionals to allow programmatic usage of variables.

This supports the operators ++, --, and =.

Examples: i1++, i2 = 4

Floating Text/Dialogue Status Sign

Variables can be displayed in these events using interpolation. Simply surround the expression with braces.

Examples: I have {i1} apples, We have {i1 + i2} pears


Variables can be read in the Expression field of a condition. These can be combined with operators ==, !=, >, <.

Examples: i1 == 1, i2 > i3


In addition to the comparison operators, there are also the mathematical operators +, -, *, /, and % (modulo).