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They did surgery on an rdlevel

With the basics of the level editor, there are some hidden ways to edit a level as well. An .rdlevel file can be opened in a text editor to make changes to the level that couldn't be made otherwise currently.


One of the categories in the rdlevel file is called rows and will have a similar format to this:

.rdlevel rows field

You can edit the character name into any of the following characters (characters not available by default may have unfinished animations)

  • Samurai
  • Boy
  • Girl
  • Bodybuilder
  • SamuraiBoss
  • Paige
  • Politician
  • Miner
  • Farmer
  • MrStevenson
  • MrsStevenson
  • SamuraiGirl
  • SmokinBarista
  • HoodieBoy
  • Barista
  • Adog
  • MrStevendog
  • MrsStevendog
  • Purritician
  • Tentacle
  • BoyTangzhuang
  • GirlCNY
  • BoyRaya
  • HoodieBoyAlternate
  • FarmerAlternate
  • HoodieBoyBlue
  • Lucia
  • Athlete
  • AthletePhysio
  • AthleteAlt

Settings and Mods

At the top of the rdlevel file you can add mods to your level to make it behave slightly differently.

Entries for settings in the .rdlevel file

The list of mods that can be used are:

noSmartJudgementChanges hit timing rules - makes it so if you miss a note late enough that it's a hit for the next note, it's still a miss for the first.
adaptRowsToRoomHeightAutomatically move rows closer or further apart when the room size changes.
noDoublePulseNo special double/triple pulse animations.
showHitStripOnlyOnActiveBeatsHitstrip only appears in rooms where there are active beats.
smoothShakeReplaces screen shakes with a smooth version.
rotateShakeReplaces screen shakes with a rotation shake.
wobblyLinesOneshots turn wobbly, and wobble when hit.
bombBeatsFreetimes that start on a hit will be bombs and miss on hit.
disableRowChangeWarningFlashesDisables row change warning flashes when changing a row from CPU or another player.
noOneshotShadowsRemoves the aftereffect on short oneshots.
startImmediatelyImmediately starts the level without waiting for the player to press a button.

Another setting changeable through surgery is firstBeatBehavior, which by default is RunNormally. You can change this to RunEventsOnPrebar to make any action events on bar 1 beat 1 happen before the level starts.