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Set Play Style

Setting the play style allows you to change the behaviour of the playhead (the scrolling white line on the timeline). Note that changing the play style will not change the behaviour of the music. The music will continue playing as if the play style did not change.

There are 6 possible play styles: Normal, Loop, LoopBeatsOnly, Prolong, Immediately, and ExtraImmediately.


Do not loop or jump to bar 1, this will cause issues.


Ths is the default behaviour. The playhead advances through bars in sequential order.


This causes the playhead to restart the current bar upon reaching the end of the current bar. This will repeat until the play style is changed to something else.


This causes the playhead to restart the current bar upon reaching the end of the current bar, but subsequent times only plays the beats (i.e. without the vfx).


This causes the playhead to stop at the end of the current bar until the play style is changed to something else. The game will wait for the end of a bar (music-wise) before changing the play style away from Prolong in order to maintain sync.

Editor preview with a Prolong Play Style
The playhead will remain here until the play style is changed.

Note that since the playhead no longer moves, you will get stuck unless you have a conditional that eventually triggers and changes the play style.

Using the activeDialogues mod automatically sets the play style to Prolong, which lets dialogue remain on screen until user input is received.


This causes the playhead to jump to another bar after a prebar of approximately 667ms. The absolute bar number can be given, or a relative bar number from the current bar can be given instead.

View of Immediately play style

Unlike the SetNextBar() custom method, this event can be executed in the middle of a bar (or even the middle of a beat).

This will almost certainly cause your level to desync from the music, as the jump is performed immediately after the prebar delay ends. This can be remedied with some planning.


This is similar to Immediately, but causes the playhead to jump to another bar quicker, with a delay of approximately 300ms.

This will also almost certainly cause your level to desync from the music.

Helpful example video from @huantian#4880: